Yoga Girl

Yoga Girl: Finding Happiness, Cultivating Balance and Living With Your Heart Open Wide by Rachel Brathen

I loved this book. I picked it up shortly before boarding a flight from Canada and by the time I reached the UK I had finished it. I was glued to Rachel’s inspiring story, I could see much of myself in her journey and struggles, as I am sure many of us can, and I couldn’t stop reading.

I also loved the recipes, those I have tried have been delicious, and the loving insights many of which I have revisited during my own practice.

The instructions on asanas were informative but rivalled by the fantastic instructions on how to start meditating – a practice that even advanced yoga practitioners can find intimidating and constantly wonder if they are doing it right.

However while the pictures of Rachel in advanced poses at sunset look great on the pages of a book, for me this isn’t yoga. Yoga is finding equanimity or evenness of mind and opening your heart. These practices shine through in Rachel’s prose but for me in the images the ancient practice of yoga is tuned into a gymnastic display. That said I did wonder more than once about packaging up my life and moving to Aruba to practice yoga on the beach every day!

After reading this book I couldn’t help but be inspired by Rachel’s story and her wonderful lifestyle. Having never heard of her before picking up this book (which I was given as a gift) there is no denying she makes me want to be better. Work harder. Be happy.

Well worth a read.

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